Saturday, July 28, 2007

Earn Money Searching With Slash My Search

I just signed up for Slash My Search tonight. The idea behind this site is that you earn money every time you search using their website. Earn money by setting as your homepage. Earn even more money by using SlashMySearch as your primary search engine, the more you search the more you make, its that simple! You get paid for three levels for referrals. You never have to refer anyone, however, referring people will increase your earnings. Regardless of referrals, you will still be paid.

Of course all of this information is from the website, and I haven't had a chance to test it out yet. Since it doesn't cost anything to join though, I thought that I would give it a shot. As usual, I will keep you informed about how it goes.

In the mean time, I won't discourage anyone from joining any of the free programs even if my testing isn't complete because like I said, as long as you are not investing your hard earned cash into the program, you are not really losing anything by trying out some of the others at the same time.